

Case Study Namibia

NamibiaConditions in Namibia are tough for landowners due to a lack of clean water. In the middle of a dry riverbed, we have managed to discover a water source of more than 350 cubic metres per day.

Case Study Germany

German flag

Perlesreut, a town in Germany, was facing a drought and trouble delivering water to its inhabitants. With our help, the town was saved and now has access to unlimited fresh water.

Case Study South Africa

Flag South Africa The Kalahari Desert is one of the driest places on Earth. Thanks to our help in 2022, our client has access to a new well with a capacity of 250 cubic metres per day for a lifetime. 

Water discovery Primary WaterWe’ve discovered water sources where others gave up and stated that there is no water in this area. 


Discover water Primary WaterDiscovered water is not groundwater, it does not depend on weather conditions, year seasons, etc.


Primary Water saves ground waterUsage of our water source does not decrease the natural groundwater level.

Primary Water best quality waterThe water quality is much better than the quality of groundwater, there are no nitrates, bacterias, etc.


Primary Water pay after successYou pay only in cases when water discovery was successful.

About us

Our team consists of the group of scientists, entrepreneurs and specialists in geophysics & IT. The result of our team activities is a unique system that guarantees pressured water discovery even at the locations where water was not found by other water discovery companies and at the locations where water is considered to be absent – granite, hills, deserts.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.